This site is dedicated to Gunner Mark 'Scouse' Taylor 1967 - 1987. AKA 'Tally'

HQ Battery, 12th Air Defence Regiment, RA. A Fellow 'Wreckin' Crew' Member. Rest easy mucker. Photo courtesy of 'Shacks', his room mate.
Tell us what you know?
I have set this Blog up in order that we can share our memories and photos of our time in Napier Barracks. Whichever cap badge you had at the time, you all have a story to tell.
From the late 1940's until 1995, many regiments have passed through the gates of Napier Bks., albeit mainly Royal Artillery regiments and their supporting units. However, other units were present as Occupational Forces, including squadrons from the RAF Regt. and the Royal Scots Fusiliers post 1945; followed by the Royal Engineers in 1950.
Was you a member of one of the many Luftwaffe Squadrons, or an ancestor of anyone and has a tale to tell? 'Richthofen Kaserne' as the airfield with a new runway was known then. Did you serve in the famous Sturmstaffel 1 that was formed here in 1943?
Which artillery regiment did you serve with or attached unit? Did you serve with the 26th US Army Missile Detachment near the gate's entrance when two artillery regiments had Corporal nuclear missiles; or did you serve in the NAAFI, YMCA or WRVS? Come on, tell us what you know and share those photos you have.
Contact me:
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Napier beyond recognition
The Luftwaffe in Dortmund
On Guard outside 12 RHQ
9 (Plassey) Air Defence Battery, 12 AD Regt., RA Football team late 1980's
Friday, 23 December 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
A view from the air looking south
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Flying Rapier!
Old Flughafen
The old Medical & Dental centre
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Dirty Harry cleans his Bofor!
Luftwaffe personnel in Richthofenkaserne
Sturmstaffel 1
Graf Zeppelin & Airport terminal
Photos sourced from the internet
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Old Airport Terminal and Hangar c.1927

Monday, 6 December 2010
Napier Cinema in 1950
It's falsley stating that it's in Detmold, but it's clearly Napier Barracks, Dortmund with a congregation outside the top NAAFI
The unit in the footage is of 23rd Field Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers of the 2nd Infantry Division, who constructed the cinema.
Sourced off the internet
Monday, 13 September 2010
Dortmund Brackel Aerodrome, Air Station (Flugplatz) and Airport (Flughafen) Timeline
- 1910: Amateur flights from fields north of Brackel.
- 1912: Air Station (Flugplatz) established for pilot training.
- Post WW1: Postal flights from airfield. Brackel becomes part of Dortmund.
- 1921: German Air Freight Service operates from Flugplatz.
- 1924: Aeronautique Militaire (French Army Air Service) Squadrons (Escadrilles) that had been occupying area, departs.
- 1925: Commercial flights begin.
- 1926: Dortmund Aviation Club founded and foundations laid for Flughafen terminal.
- 1929: Anchor tower built for airships.
- 1930: 10 Aug. LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin lands north east of airfield.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
36th Heavy Air Defence Regt., RA. Disbandment Parade, 1977
Old site in July 2010

Photos kindly donated by Michael Murr
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
REME Workshop
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Richthofenkaserne Timeline
Stab(n): Staff or HQ(s),
Gruppe(n): Group(s)
Staffel(n): Squadron(s) 3/4 Sqdns. of 12/16 aircraft
Single engine Fighter (Hunting) Wing: Jagdgeschwader - JG
Twin Engine Destroyer Wing: Zestorergeschwader – ZG
Combat team for special use: Kampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung – KGzbV
Night Interception Wing: Nachtjaegersgeschwader – NJG
Storm Squadron: Sturmstaffel
Airfield Command: Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur
Anti-Aircraft: Flak.
Battery(ies): Batterie(n)
Unit titles, if given; are in italics
- 1934: Luftwaffe moves in to establish an airbase (Fliegerhorste) alongside the airport and is known as Richthofenkaserne.
- 1936: Apr. JG134 Horst Wessel (Stab, 1 Gruppe) arrives with Arado Ar 65, 68’E/Fs & Bf109 B/D’s
- 1938: Jul. JG134 Horst Wessel (4 Gruppe) arrives with Arado Ar 68's & Bf 109's. Oct. JG134 Horst Wessel re-titled JG142 Horst Wessel (Stab, 1 & 4 Gruppen) with Bf109 D’s
- 1939: Jan. JG142 Horst Wessel re-titled ZG142 Horst Wessel (Stab & 1 Gruppe) with Bf109 D’s
May ZG142 Horst Wessel re-titled ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab & 1 Gruppe) with Bf109 D’s
Aug. ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab & 1 Gruppe) departs and civil flights cease.
Nov. ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab) returns with Bf109 D’s & Bf 110’s
Nov. JG26 Schlageter (Stab & 1 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 E’s - 1940: Jan. ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab) departs
Feb. JG26 Schlageter (1 Gruppe) departs. Feb. ZG26 Horst Wessel (3 Gruppe) arrives with Bf 109 D’s & Bf110’s
Mar. ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab) returns with Bf110’s
Mar. ZG26 Horst Wessel (3 Gruppe) departs
May ZG26 Horst Wessel (Stab) departs
May JG26 Schlageter (Stab) departs
May KGzbV101, KGzbV104, KGzb106 arrives with Ju52’s & KGzbV105 arrives with Fw200’s, Ju90’s & JuG38’s
Jun. KGzbV101, KGzbV104, KGzb105 & KGzbV106 partially disband (Stabn remain with some staffeln till 1941). All aircraft to training schools
Jun. JG26 Schlageter (Stab) returns with Bf109 E’s
Jun. JG26 Schlageter (2 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 E’s
Jul. JG26 Schlageter (Stab & 2 Gruppe) departs
Jul. JG3 (3 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 E’s
Aug. JG3 (3 Gruppe) departs
Dec. JG54 Gruenhertz (Stab & 3 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 E’s - 1941: Jan. JG54 Gruenhertz (Stab) departs
Feb. JG54 Gruenhertz (3 Gruppe) departs
Feb. JG26 Schlageter (1 Gruppe) returns with Bf109 E’s
May JG26 Schlageter (1 Gruppe) departs May Flak-Brigade z.b.V (Stab) formed
Jun. Flak-Brigade z.b.V (Stab) re-titled Flak-Brigade X (Stab) Jun. JG51 (4 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 F’s, then departs within a month Around 1,000 Wehrmacht/Luftwaffen troops are stationed - 1943: Feb. Flak-Brigade X (Stab) departs. May 22 Flak-Division formed. Oct. Sturmstaffel 1 formed with Fw190 A’s
Dec. JG1 Oesau (1 Gruppe) arrives with Fw 190 A’s - 1944: Feb. JG1 Oesau (1 Gruppe) departs
Feb. Sturmstaffel 1 departs
Apr. JG300 Wilde Sau (2 Gruppe) arrives with Fw190 A’s. Apr. Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur A (o) 4/VI formed
Jun. JG300 Wilde Sau (2 Gruppe) departs. Summer. Flak-Regiment 124 (10404 & 10405 Flak-Batterien) arrives
Sep. JG300 Wilde Sau (staffeln of 3 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 G’s
Sep. JG3 Udet (1 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 G’s, then departs within a week
Sep. JG4 (Stab) arrives with Bf109 A/G/K’s & Fw190 A’s
Sep. NJG1 (Stab: Ju88 G's & 4 Gruppe: Bf110's, He219's & Ju88 G's) arrives
Oct. JG300 Wilde Sau (Staffeln of 3 Gruppe) departs
Oct. JG77 Hertz As (Stab) arrives with Bf109 G’s
Nov. JG4 (Stab) departs
Dec. JG77 Hertz As (1 Gruppe) arrives with Bf109 G/K’s - 1945: Jan. JG77 Hertz As (Stab & 1 Gruppe) departs
Mar. NJG1 (Stab) departs
Apr. All units that remain; surrender
Monday, 16 March 2009
Napier Barracks Timeline
- 1945: 2879 Sqdn., RAF Regt.
- 1946: May 2879 Sqdn., RAF Regt. disbanded & 2757 Sqdn., RAF arrives briefly, then departs. Aug. 1st Bn., Border Regt. arrives. Oct. 1st Bn., Border Regt. departs
- 1947: Feb. 157 Infantry Brigade re-formed as 5 Inf. Bde. Aug. 5 Inf. Bde. renamed 5 Inf. Bde. Group. Sep. departs. Oct. 2nd Bn., Royal Scots Fusiliers arrives
- 1948: Feb. 2nd Bn., RSF departs. Jul. 2nd Bn., RSF returns. Oct. 1st Bn. cadre amalgamates with 2nd Bn. & re-titled 1st Bn. RSF.
- 1949: Feb. 1st Bn., RSF departs. Dec. 23 Field Engineer Regt., Royal Engineers (2, 5 & 38 Fld. Sqdns. & 21 Fld. Park Sqdn.) arrives
- 1950: Aero-Clubs e.V. formed by brothers; Theo & Hans Hengsbach. NATO prohibit powered flight
- 1955: NATO permits powered flight
- 1956: Aero-Clubs e.V. (Dortmund Aviation Club successor) departs for Dortmund-Wickede Airport
- 1957: Mar. 47 Guided Weapons Regt., Royal Artillery (3, 4 & 31 GW Btys.) arrives with 47 GW Regt. RA Signals Troop, Royal Signals in support
- 1958: 23 Fld. Engr. Regt., RE disbanded & 1 Army Group Royal Artillery Signal Sqdn., Royal Signals arrives
- 1959: 1 AGRA Sig. Sqdn., RS re-titled 218 Sig. Sqdn. (AGRA), RS & 26 US Army Missile Detachment arrives in support of 47 GW Regt., RA
- 1960: Jan. 31 GW Bty. departs from 47 GW Regt., RA. Sep. 218 Sig Sqdn. (AGRA), RS disbanded. Nov. 47 GW Regt., RA Sig. Tp., RS re-titled 256 Sig. Sqdn. (GW (Fld.)), RS in support of 47 GW Regt., RA
- 1961: 27 GW Regt., RA (6 & 23 Btys.) arrives with 257 Sig. Sqdn. (GW (Fld.)), RS in support of 27 GW Regt. RA and supported by 26 US Army Msl. Det.
- 1964: Mar. 47 GW Regt., RA re-titled 47 Missile Regt., RA. Mar. 27 GW Regt., RA re-titled 27 Army Missile Regt., RA
- 1965: Oct. 47 Msl. Regt., RA departs. Oct. 256 Sig. Sqdn. (GW (Fld.)), RS merges with 257 Sig. Sqdn. (GW (Fld.)), RS
- 1966: Dec. 27 Army Msl. Regt., RA departs with 257 Sig. Sqdn. (GW (Fld.)), RS
- 1967: Jan. 34 Light Air Defence Regt., RA (11 & 58 Light Anti-Aircraft Btys.) arrives. Jan. 36 Heavy Air Defence Regt., RA (56 & 60 HAD Btys.) arrives with 260 Sig. Sqdn. (Surface to Air Missiles), RS (654 & 655 Sig. Troops (SAM)) in support of 36 HAD Regt., RA . Feb. 26 US Army Msl. Det. Disbanded
- 1968: Mar. 36 HAD Regt., RA departs with 260 Sig. Sqdn. (SAM), RS. Apr. 12 LAD Regt., RA (9 & T LAA Btys.) arrives
- 1969: Dec. 34 LAD Regt., RA disbanded. Dec. 22 LAD Regt., RA (42 & 53 LAA Btys.) arrives
- 1970: Jan. 58 LAA Bty. to 12 LAD Regt., RA. Jan. 11 LAA Bty. to 22 LAD Regt., RA. Mar. 22 LAD Regt., RA departs
- 1971: Jul. 12 LAD Regt., RA departs. Jul. 36 HAD Regt., RA (10 GW & 111 HAD Btys.) returned with 260 Sig. Sqdn. (SAM), RS in support of 36 HAD Regt., RA
- 1977: Dec. 36 HAD Regt., RA disbanded with 260 Sig Sqdn. (SAM), RS. Nov./Dec. 22 Air Defence Regt., RA (11, 42 & 53 AD Btys.) returned
- 1985: Jan. 12 AD Regt., RA (9, 58 & T AD Btys.) returned. Mar. 35 AD Bty. for 22 AD Regt., RA re-formed. Oct. 12 AD Bty. for 12 AD Regt., RA re-formed. Nov. 1 Artillery Brigade re-formed
- 1992: Jul. 22 AD Regt., RA departs . Jul. 16 AD Regt., RA (11, 14, 30 & 32 AD Btys.) arrives
- 1993: Apr. 12 AD Regt., RA re-titled 12 Regt., RA (T Bty. re-titled T/Headquarter Bty.). Apr. 16 AD Regt., RA re-titled 16 Regt., RA (11 Bty. re-titled 11/Headquarter Bty.) & 1 Arty. Bde. disbanded
- 1995: Sep. 12 Regt., RA departs. Dec. 16 Regt., RA departs
(Accompanying REME Workshops to RA units throughout. Plus, other supporting units; APC, APTC, AGC, ACC, RAOC/RLC, Education, Chaplaincy, Medical & Dental Corps')
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Royal Air Force Regiment 1945 - 46

Friday, 27 February 2009
Napier under development c.2007
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Aerial view of Napier April 2006
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Days in Napier

Members of C Troup, T Battery 12th LAD Regt., RA enjoying a break. Scary to see how young we all looked back then. Taken on the airfield. Circa 1969.
(22nd LAD Regt., RA in the background??)
Members of staff (military and civilian) working in the Officer's mess. Taken behind the Officer's Mess. circa 1968.

Gunner (at the time) Bott sitting on a 32 ton Layland Tractor. The gun being towed is the 40/70 Bofors. This picture was taken on the airfield apron . Circa 1969.
Tunneling from Battery Bar to Battery Bar and Sir Harry's disapearing cake!
It brings a tear to the old eye to see what has become of home..........well what was home for so many years. Napier Barracks was such a great camp, lovely open fields, woods, ponds, stables and of course; the Golf Course. This, I was involved in upgrading from a 9 to 18 hole course in about 1982-83 under the watchfall eye of Dick Edgler (I think this was his name?). I was driving a dumper truck, shifting topsoil and turf and also helped lay some of the greens.
I remember one night whilst in the battery bar that was located in the cellar of Block 52 near the cookhouse; I found a small metal door leading to a small tunnel, so with the zippo in hand, off I went with one mate. There was only enough room in the tunnel to crawl and after what seemed ages, we came to a ninety degree turn to the right and then off again in a straight line. Eventually the zippo packed up so we were in total darkness, but on we went. After a short while we came up against a metal door and with a little bit of groping around, I found the door handle and tried it. BINGO!, it's wasn't locked so I gingerly opened the door and a small chink of light illuminated our nocturnal activities, but the door would only partially open because something was stopping it. But, peeking through the gap I could see what was another battery or squadron bar and it was occupied; bugger! Somehow they didn't notice, so at a great haste we withdrew along the tunnel back to the safety of our own battery bar.
The next day I decided to try again, so armed with the issued right angled torch and two hours after closing time I was off (by myself this time). I followed the same route to the metal door of the next bar and opened it and with a gentle push I was able to open the door just enough to squeeze through. Shining the torch around I found the light switch and put some light on the situation..........not a battery bar, a workshops bar. Therefore I had a little nose around, but my intention's were exploration and I eventually found another metal door exactly the same as the two previous ones. So, with same drill into the tunnel and off I go (I have by now lost my bearings and have no idea in which direction I am heading!). Eventually after many hundreds of metres and several ninety degree turns later; yet another metal door and guess what? - it's also open and the next room is in darkness. With a quick torch recce and its another bar and empty, well this is too easy, I'm going to be in Camp 10 by morning at this rate! With another look around I find the magic metal door again, but alas, this one is locked! Here was where the expedition ended, except for the journey back to my own battery bar and on my way, helping myself to a few cigars and some bottles of Becks!
On the way back to my own battery bar, the last door had a bench seat in front of it, but try as I did, I couldn't pull it back into place. That maybe why on a return trip with some of the other lads (for some free beer, fags and cigars), the door was locked - bugger!
On another occasion after a heavy night of drinking, I awoke to find my room mate Animal Jones; whom I hadn't been out with, was fast asleep in his pit covered in cake. Well, knowing my room mate isn't in the catering business and wasn't waiting on at the Mess or anything, I knew it couldn't be right all this cake. Taking a look around, I find more cake; great big chunks of the stuff and to my shock, all over the carpet was more cake!
It is now about 6.30am, so out I go into the corridor and it doesn't get any better on the cake front, so back into the room -
slap, slap: "Jonah; wake up". Slap, slap: "wake up"!
All to no avail. So back into the corridor to find the Hoover, plug vacuum in, get rid of evidence. Ten minutes in the corridor and sorted, then into the room - five minutes later sorted (OK a forensic scientist would have found him out, but not any BSM's or RSM's).
Now I collect up all the cake and the silver tray, for once it is nicely sat and off to the big Stadt bin outside.
"Oh no"!,
To my horror there is more cake on the landing and stairs leading out of our block. Talk about Hansel and Gretel, anyway it's still early on a Sunday morning, so get to the bin, take out the first few layers of rubbish and place the cake and tray into the bin. Then, replace the previously removed rubbish. Back into the block and grab a broom and quick as I can, I sweep down the landing and stairs removing all the crumbs into the area just outside the entrance. I then dig with my hands a small hole in the soil and deposit the remainder of the evidence. Or did I?
No, there is a trail leading away from the block. With broom in hand I follow the trail, franticly casting all the crumbs into the grass and ever watching for anybody in uniform, looking for a bolt hole to escape to. I realise very soon where this trail is leading to (the cookhouse) and knowing even on a weekend the cooks start early; I must be careful. After a while the cake trail disappears, this tells me where Jonah started eating. So ditching the broom into some bush I casually walk to the cookhouse by the most direct route and at the rear of the cookhouse I can see members of the guard and the ROS standing by a broken window....OH....SH*T! Luckily they were too interested in the scene of the crime, they hadn't noticed me and I wasn't hanging around. With lightning speed; I was off back to the block.
Back in my room, there was Jonah and still fast asleep, but now I mean business, so the slaps are harder and the voice is a whole lot louder! Within a few seconds I made it very clear that lying in bed covered in cake was not a good idea. So Jonah was off to the washroom, towel and soap in hand. I am so knackered by now all I want is my bed. So off with my kit and under the duvet, before Jonah could even get back from the washroom all hell was let loose! Banging, crashing and shouting
"Get out your beds. Stand by your beds "
Then ensued a very brief block inspection from God knows who, but they were in uniform? This is when I realised it wasn't just any old cake that had been stolen, because the sergeant was explaining to the block senior that somebody had stolen Sir Harry Secombe's cake and that he was visiting today and he used to be in the regiment!! Anyway, the only person that was thankful; was Jonah, because we couldn't tell anyone! However, I think If the BSM had ever found out, he would have been pleased for me diverting any unwanted trouble towards the battery.
However, that night, an extra guard was put on to guard the cookhouse. A 9 x 9 tent was place on each corner of the cookhouse and every night thereafter, the guard was doubled until the culprit owned up. This of course never happened and eventually the guard was dropped.
As for the cake the good soldiers of the Army Catering Corp, hastily baked a sponge in double quick time in order to replace the former fruit cake that had many hours of icing alone spent on it!!!!!!
I am not aware if Sir Harry was aware of the great cake theft? However, if he could of seen my side of things; I'm sure he would ofound it amusing as I hope you find it amusing?
Written by Ted Heath (22 AD Regt., RA)
Edited by Blogmaster
Saturday, 16 August 2008
1960's sports in 12 LAA Regt., RA
Shot Put and Rugby being played by 12 Light Air Defence Regt., RA during the 1960's